Def Jukies
Well, I've started my Copenhagen street promotion of the greatest indy label in the world,
Definitive Jux. Soon everybody and their mother will know who they are. And they should.
El-P and his NYC-posse continue to crank out goodies.
"Back in '97, El-P released Funcrusher Plus with his seminal group Company Flow. The album's tense, hypercreative backdrops laid such a sturdy foundation for the underground hip-hop world that it still echoes five years later, and has since been widely recognized as one of the genre's greatest achievements."
- Sam Chennault, June 19th, 2002
Pitchfork Media
Some would say that the label is hotter than ever. The new album by
Mr. Lif, and the upcoming efforts of
RJD2 are definately setting a mark. This stuff is challenging and interesting. You're not sure what to expect, except that you're not going to get what you expected. By hey, that's why some people would rather purchase an album where a white-haired, former underground hero that bitches about all
his personal problems for damn near 80 minutes.... That's fine with me - thank God there's a lot of people out there that couldn't live
without the quality materials from