Monday, August 12

The Fat Lady Sings
My hiphop & streetbasketball project GAM3 is over for 2002. At least it would appear so since our "Grand Finale" took place Saturday August 10th on probably the largest open square in central Copenhagen (RĂ„dhuspladsen aka City Hall Square that is). It was a wonderful, exciting and hectic day for me. Thanx to everybody who was there - and helped to ignite a new annual Copenhagen, street event. For sure.

If you couldn't be there or at one of the six GAM3-camps, don't worry. We have already posted a nice little video (high or low resolution, requires Quicktime) on the GAM3 website of the winning dunk of the Slam Dunk Competition by a dude named Abdullah - amazing abilities!

More video and stills to follow!!! We have recorded a lot of footage.


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